Band Management 

At Clasijazz Agency we develop Management and Booking tasks for the musical groups within our Clasijazz family.

Our objective is to spread the music created in Almería to the whole world, both nationally and internationally, promoting and giving visibility to the top-level musicians who create and share within Clasijazz.

Banner 1 Bigband

Clasijazz Big Band

Banner 2 Valparaiso

Valparaíso Big Band

Banner 3 Swing

Clasijazz Big Band Swing & Funk

Banner 4 Quintet

Clasijazz Quintet

Banner 5 Brazaluda

Brazulada. Presents “Samba Luiza”

GATA BRASS BAND PROMO 2022 16 Cuadrado

Gata Brass Band

Banner 8 Dixie

Dixieland Clasijazz

Banner 9 Gospel

Gospel Choir Clasijazz

BB Jovenes Clasijazz46 Cuadrado

Joven BigBand Nacional


Dakota & Gata Brass Band